Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Matthew 4 through 9

YAY!! I got to read some today and am so thankful for God's word! Just going to hit on a few verses and things that stood out to me today... Matthew 4 was a lot about Jesus rejecting the devil-it gave us verses that are so simple yet that say everything... for example: " Do not put the Lord your God to the test"... do you do this? I'm sure I do! "Worship the Lord your God and serve him only"... are you serving him only? I'm sure I'm not... I feel daily like I'm serving my children, my husband, my friends, my employer, etc, etc... but GOD should be first on that list and many times He is not. I am learning and being reminded daily that HE must come first! The next chapter that stood out to me was Matthew 6, v 27- "DO NOT WORRY- Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" I have to say I'm usually pretty good about not worrying and trying to put it in God's hands- but we know there are always times when worry just creeps in, AND that is where verse 34 comes in handy " therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own! Amen to that!
Reading further on into Matthew the overall point that stood out to me was that so many had great faith and were immediately healed by Jesus. (v 21 & 22) for example. He also mentions that we as His followers should conduct ourselves as citizens of God's kingdom. Is what you are doing today and the way you are acting here on Earth worthy of you entering God's kingdom when your time is called? Are we acting as citizens here on earth? I pray that if not, we learn to work on this and become more like Him! I know I am being convicted of not putting him First on a daily basis and I know that doing that would make me a much better "citizen in his eyes"..
I know I'm still behind on my reading, but I am blessed that I got to do some catching up today and that I am motivated to keep reading and learning from His word! Thank you all for your patience and God Bless as you go through the rest of this week we are given!

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